Thursday, September 07, 2006


Big but not hard or clever.

Having a rather big session on a school night, staying out until beyond closing time, isn't a good idea anywhere but in Hong Kong where the bars stay open all night really makes for a fun time at work just a few short hours later.

The worst bit is sobering up, you're dealing with the total lack of sleep and the fact no matter how much water and coffee you put inside yourself your tong still feels like an old pair of sandals then slowly you realise the happy feeling is passing and a hangover is imminent.

Of course it's worth it and the slight memory loss means the day can have unexpected highlights, I especially enjoyed getting the texts asking if I remembered calling my flatmate to pretend I'd lost my keys and that I was outside the flat at 5am when still in the middle of Wan Chai. At the time it seemed like a perfectly fair revenge for him actually forgetting his keys far too often over the past 6 months and I'm sure I received no small amount of encouragement, these really are happy days.

I've now got a real test ahead though, having battled through a little over 12 hours since leaving the last pub, done next to no work but have mastered sitting at my desk even though someone seems to have put it on a turntable I've just an hour to complete my recovery, become a lean mean sporting machine and get to the squash court. I've bought several gallons of Lucozade for support but have a feeling it could get messy...

Sometimes I think it would be a good idea to have an off switch, but then where would the fun be in that!


it's a gift...

I just wish it was a more useful one!

But it does prove that sake and umbrellas don't mix, who'd have thought?


Its all about the music

It has been said that I'm not especially musical but I think Bev, me and a rather fine Philippino band prove that's just not fair. John denver's "leaving on a jet plane" never sounded better!

Yes, we did clear the restaurant!

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