Tuesday, May 23, 2006


Rantless - something else I love.

Once again I'm going to resist raving about the great David Hasselhoff, extraordinary as he may be this rave is all about how great my two favourite drugs are.

Really, they are bloody brilliant, they're almost so good that they make me believe there is a god (though not quite, Darwin in my ever humble opinion kicked him into touch long ago).

I'm talking of cause about adrenalin and dopamine. I mean, you need to do something, I mean really need to.... run from a lion, climb an icy cliff, swim across croc infested water and what happens? Your body gives you a shot of the good stuff and you're instantly stronger, braver and generally well up for it, fantastic.

And it gets better, you do it, you win, you turn around and punch the lion out, you smash the icy cliff to chill your G&T (Tanqueray with fresh lime obviously) and you wrestle the crocodile to make a funky pair of boots and matching belt and your body says "WINNER!!!” It dumps a ton of dopamine through your veins and arteries to make you want to do it again, and again, and again.

And the best thing is it's free and you can cheat to get it, yes, no need for the lions, crocs or any near death experiences, all you need is a lack of intelligence and a willingness to jump of stuff with a meaty war cry. Brilliant!

It's all true, hell I love drugs.

[having said they are my favourite drugs I must add that I do not consider alcohol a drug, more a blood supplement that I refuse to do without!]


more useless

Oh yes, I have more facts that though true aren't really worth knowing...

Ever wondered why the buttons on women's blouses are on the opposite side to those on men's shirts? Go on, admit it you'd never given it a second thought but now you need to know right!

The origin of this anomaly lies in the fact that in days of old the only people wearing fancy shirts with lots of buttons were the rich, and the rich being rich didn't like to do a lot for themselves, especially rich women. They therefore had maids to help them dress, pulling corset strings tight and threading those tricky buttons on their dressy shirts.

So, men use there right hand (generally the more dextrous) to thread their buttons through the hole (held in their left hand) but as a lady in waiting would be doing this for women of wealth the buttons are reversed, the button being on the person wearing the blouse's left, the maid's right - brilliant!

Once again, enlightenment for the masses. Never let it be said that blogging isn't educational.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006


Thai food anyone

Mmmmm..... crunchy!

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